Unterstützung sozialer Bewegungen auf den Philippinen

Begonnen von admin, 16:59:23 So. 29.Juni 2008

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩


Ich habe seit geraumer Weile Kontakt zu einer Gruppe von Medienaktivisten aus Davao, Philippinen. Sie sucht Internationale Kontakte zu politischen Aktivisten. Sie baut z.Zt. einen Infoladen aus. Hier eines ihrer Videos mit einer Art Selbstdarstellung:


Sie suchen Videos aus aller Welt über soziale und politische Kämpfe.
Sie fragen, ob jemand ihnen einen gebrauchten Mini-DV Camcorder spenden kann.
Zum Aufbau einer Bibliothek und einer Küche für fair produzierte lokale Produkte, versuchen sie noch etwa 500€ aufzutreiben.

Ich versuche die Unterstützung zu koordinieren.

Falls jemand in der Lage ist ein Soli-Konzert zu organisieren, Filme, Kontakte oder anderes vermitteln kann, bitte melden unter info@chefduzen.de



Thailand kannste auch dazunehmen.

die thailändischen reichen wollen den armen das wahlrecht entziehen lassen und greifen die "linke" regierung mit terror auf den strassen an.

grad bei tagesthemen.

"Voting did not bring us further, so we're done voting" (The "Caprica Six" Cylon Model, BSG)


1009 Kerzen wollten die Gruppierungen entzünden, die auf dem Evangelischen Kirchentag an die Situation auf den Philippinen erinnern wollten - und mussten gleich sechs weitere dazu tun, da unmittelbar vor der Aktion sechs weitere Todesopfer zu beklagen waren. "Der Protest machte auf die Ermordung von mehr als 1.000 Personen aufmerksam, die seit 2001 unter der Regierung der philippinischen Präsidentin Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Opfer von politischen Morden geworden sind. Die Veranstalter hatten ursprünglich geplant, 1.009 Kerzen anzuzünden, erhöhten jedoch die Zahl, als sie von sechs weiteren Toten erfuhren, darunter Tote auf den zentralen philippinischen Inseln Panay und Negros" - so wird es unterstrichen in der Pressemitteilung "Deutsche sind schockiert über anhaltende Menschenrechtsverletzungen auf den Philippinen" von Sumabay Tayo!, der Vereinten Evangelischen Mission und des philippinenbuero e.V. vom 25. Mai 2009:



Unsere philippinischen Freunde haben den Eingang unserer Spende bestätigt. Damit ist die Miete ihrer Räumlichkeiten für's Erste gesichert.

Sie baten erneut um Filmmaterial und Broschüren über soziale Kämpfe in Deutschland und Europa (mögl. in engl.). Ich möchte die Bitte hiermit an die chefduzen-Community weiterleiten.


Habe heute wieder eine Mail von den philippinischen Genossen erhalten:

Zitathi there karsten,

hope youre well. its been a while to not hear from you .

our group is still actively working with infoshop activities/project in
town and anti-mining stuff and indigenous people/peasant solidarity
links/campaign in some parts of mindanao island, southern part of the

also, we are now starting to set up a webspace,particularly anti-mining
blog to bring the internet audience a comprehensive information and
education about the Mining Situation in the Philippines.

i wonder if you can still support us with financial donation- for the
second time, useful to our local campaigns we are currently working on.

we aimed to reach direct contact/support (in regular time as possible ) to
 folks and communities in the rural and moutainous areas exploited or
affected by the mining industry.

for the meantime, we just traveled recently and had initiated personal
contact/relations with two resisting communities defending their land from
commercial interests particularly in southern bukidnon and other in
placer, surigao- two located in mindanao island.

we wanted to directly support them by taking the means to challenge the
companies through direct confrontation in anyway possible.

two notorious commercial proponents wanted entry into their area.

hope to hear from you again.

for autonomous revolt,

-m- the kinaiyahan unahon collective

Ps if the webspace is ready, we'll give you the link the soonest time


Aktuelle Mail von den Philippinen:


The Lower Anislagan Farmers Irrigators Association, Inc. (LAFIA) of
Barangay Anislagan, Placer Surigao Del Norte, and Sta. Cruz Farmers
Irrigators Association Inc. (SFIA) Sta. Cruz, Placer, Surigao Del Norte is
non stock, non-profit organization of small farmers and landowners being
gravely affected by the mining operations of Silangan Mindanao Mining
Company, Inc. (SMMCI) of Philex Mining Corporation- a Canadian-based
multinational. .

Since the drilling operations of the Mining Company started, their farms
and rice fields have been destroyed. Their river systems have been
contaminated with chemicals that the mining dump from their tailing ponds
and their water system has been diluted by eroded soil thereby causing
pollution to their farms. The local farmers doubt the quality of their
farm produce if the mining operation will continue. Worst, their incomes
from their farming activities have decreased and seriously depleted,
making their agricultural sector very vulnerable and in grave danger.


The residents of Barangay Anislagan, Barangay Sta. Cruz, Barangay Bad-as,
and Barangay Bugas-Bugas, Placer Surigao Del Norte  register their
opposition to all Mining Exploration and Drilling Activities, or other
related mining operations in their Barangay, by any mining company because
of the following reasons, to wit:

•       The mining operations would destroy their ecological environment
especially the water source protected area- their source of drinking
water, not only in Anislagan but including the neighbouring Barangays of
Sta. Cruz, Bad-as, Bugas-Bugas, and Municipality of Placer, Surigao Del
Norte, Farm irrigation and other household needs.
•       This would pose danger to their lives, houses and farms during heavy
downpours and floods.
•       The mining activities would pave way for more intensive mining
activities which will result more destruction to the people's farming and
other livelihood activities and would endanger lives because of tailings
from toxic chemicals.
•       Mining activities would destroy the general environment of the Barangay
and the neighbouring human settlement.

The Anislagan Bantay Kalikasan Task Force (ABAKATAF) is composed of
different sectors from Barangay Anislagan. It includes Barangay officials,
farmers, women, youth, and parishioners of different churches. The group
spearheaded the anti-mining during the expansion of the mining area of
Manila Mining Corporation (MMC) in 2002.  It was also during that year
that ABAKATAF was formally organized.

The main objective of the group is to protect the watershed which provides
potable water not only to Barangay Anislagan but to the entire
municipality of Placer.

ABAKATAF, which represents and empowers the community to be the forefront
in defending its watershed and land, envisions the entire village as a
mining-free agricultural village and a major supplier of potable water and
irrigations to the entire town of Placer.

The ongoing drilling activities of Philex Mining Corporation- a Canadian
based multinational in the area of Barangay Timamana, Tubod Surigao Del
Norte, affected its adjacent village, Anislagan especially among its

Last May 10, 2009, the people of Barangay Anislagan conducted an ocular on
the area where the company's drilling activity was situated. Upon their
observation, the creek, which was also the source of drinking water of
farmers, is no longer potable. What use to be their clean and safe water
is now black, muddy and can be assumed hazardous.



(A View of Endless Resistance)

Anislagan, characterized by plain, rolling to hilly and mountainous
terrain, with a total land area of 841.24 hectares forms part of the
watershed area of Placer. Its total population is 1,392 persons (around
319households). Majority of the residents are farmers, mainly producing
coconut, rice and banana. Anislagan was severely hit by typhoon Lilang in
1980's, which practically destroyed livelihood and property. This forced
the residents to engage in gold panning along the river to feed their

The residents went on with their livelihood activities, unhampered, until
MMC (Manila Mining Corporation) entered the community in 2000. In August
2000, MMC conducted a medical mission in the Barangay. Pictures were
taken, and signatures were obtained from the residents who availed of the
medical services provided. The following month, MMC came back and called
for an Assembly. The company's representatives informed the residents that
the company would undertake mineral exploration in the mountains of
Anislagan but the residents would not support. The former retorted that
they would go on despite the opposition of the local people. This prompted
the residents to send petition letters to the office of the Municipal
Mayor, DENR, MGB, and Department of Agriculture.

On February 24, 2001, MMC met with the members of the Barangay Council. In
the meeting, they informed the council members that they would go on with
the exploration since they already have a permit from the MGB. Thereafter,
the residents held a picket on the highway that leads to Sitio Payao, the
target site for mining exploration. This action lasted until the month of
April 2001. This forced the mining company to conduct another consultation
with the people in the Barangay. The meeting however was a failure.
Instead of attending the meeting, the residents formed a barricade and
locked up the multipurpose building to prevent the company's
representatives from entering the venue.

Notwithstanding the resistance of the local people, the company continued
its mining exploration in the area. Its personnel discreetly took samples
and put up a camp in the target site. When the residents learnt about the
company's activities, the local people requested the workers to vacate the
site. But the latter refused to leave. This had moved the residents to
hold a general assembly meeting on September 26, 2001 to discuss
appropriate actions on the company's refusal to heed their appeals. In the
said meeting, the residents formed ABAKATAF with Gay Reveche, a United
Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) pastor assigned in Anislagan,
as the first elected president. They have also decided to confiscate the
mining equipment of the company and had them kept at the Barangay Hall.
The company responded by filing a case against several leaders of
ABAKATAF. It also went on with its drilling operation. This annoyed the
residents who immediately staged another picket. In effect, the court
issued a status quo order to the two conflicting parties. Meanwhile, the
picket drew support from members of the Catholic and protestant churches
(UCCP and Pentecostal) and linked for ABAKATAF with Caraga Ecumenical
Socio-Pastoral Action Centre(CESPAC), LRC-KSK and other CSO's in Surigao
Del Norte.

With the issuance of the status quo, the company continued its mining
exploration. The residents responded by staging another picket that lasted
for six months. During the picket, LRC-KSK and CESPAC conducted education
sessions among the participants. This picket prevented the entry of the
company's workers who carried with them drilling equipment with the
support of police forces from Butuan City. Despite the people's action,
the company still manage to establish camp in the mining site. To soften
anti-mining sentiments, it also put up a Barangay Development Relationship
Centre that provides livelihood support to the local people. Yet, only a
handful of residents who are pro-mining availed of its services. The
Centre eventually closed. Meanwhile, the heightened tension in the area
compelled the Sangguniang Barangay to investigate the case.

In August 2002, MMC workers accompanied by nine policemen, tried again to
enter the mining site via Barangay Makalaya, a neighbouring barangay of
Anislagan. The human barricade staged by a combined force of the residents
of Anislagan and Makalaya and their supporters notably priests, nuns, and
other members of the religious groups thwarted their plan. Exasperated,
the company's workers destroyed the streamers of the picketers. Before
they left, the police attempted to arrest some of the residents but the
picketers held their ground. That day, the workers came back with the
company's legal officer and a handful of bodyguards. The legal officer
attempted to negotiate, but the local people stood firm on their position
to disallow the company from pursuing its mining exploration. A temporary
restraining order was issued by the local court on 21 August 2002, but the
residents went on with their picket. Police forces came and took the
streamers on the next day.

At 2'oclock in the morning of September 2002, the residents woke up to the
ringing of the church bell and converged thereafter to go after the two
vehicle's loaded with company's workers and drilling equipment. These
vehicles swiftly passed by the center of Anislagan. Instead of proceeding
to the site, the workers made a stopover at the house of a Tanod, local
security force of Barangay Silop. They were then held up for five days,
and the local people refused entry of the food delivered for the workers.
Upon the prodding of the priests and nuns, the residents allowed the
workers to accept the food for delivery. This prompted the Sangguniang
Bayan to facilitate a dialogue between the conflicting parties. The
dialogue failed because both parties maintain their position. While the
company argued the legality of its mining permit, the resident's cited the
company's non compliance with the required community approval and its
refusal to heed the appeals of the local people. After this, another
status quo order was issued.

In 10 October 2002, the residents held another barricade to prevent entry
to the company's vehicle. They also went to the mining site where they met
200 workers who manage to enter through Barangay Makalaya. A confrontation
soon ensued but the arrival of the police forces prevented the situation
from worsening. The residents where furious at the blatant disrespect
shown by the MMC. At the height of the confrontation, the residents set
fire to the company's equipment. The next day, the residents went to the
drilling site and asked the workers to vacate the place. Police forces
came, but, the workers refused to leave. This prompted the residents to
set fire to the camp. Thereafter the MGB Regional Director arrived, along
with other staff, to facilitate a dialogue, albeit without success. The
residents had lost their confidence in the MGB; hence, they suspected the
intention of the agency.

Anislagan was then branded a "red zone" (Communist Party of the
Philippines- National Democratic Front- CPP-NDF)/ NPA influenced area) due
to the vigilance and opposition of the residents. In effect, the military
deployed its 20th Infantry Batallion in the Baranagay on 10 December 2003
supposedly as a counter-insurgency measure. This unit was pulled out and
deployed to Leyte when one of its members killed a resident after drinking

Apart from MMC, Silangan Mindanao Mining Corporation, Incorporated
(Silangan), which discovered gold deposits in Boyongan, a neighbouring
barangay of Anislagan, attempted to get the consent of the Estela Odtojan,
the Barangay Captain, to use the barangay in going to and from its
Boyongan project. Odtojan denied the request. On 28 January 2005, the
Barangay Council of Anislagan passed a resolution asking the MGB to deny
the application for the renewal of the exploration permit of the MMC and
other mining companies.

The strong opposition of the people in Anislagan forced the MMC to stop
its mining exploration in mid-2004. The residents refused to accede for
several reasons. First, the company completely disregarded their position
and had been unrelenting to their appeals. Second, it attempted to harass
and intimidate the residents by filing 18 criminal and civil cases and
undertaking surveillance on their leader (Pastor Gay). Third, the company
obtained the support of several barangay leaders by giving out financial
support. This prompted the residents to elect a new set of leaders with an
anti-mining stance in the 2002 Barangay elections. Fourth and last, the
spectre of death and destruction continues to haunt the local people.
Clearly, the environment and socio-economic damages resulting from the
collapse of three tailing dams between 1995 and 2000 within the MMCs mine
site near the town centre of Placer provide set back the company's
expansion project in Anislagan.

The formation of ABAKATAF, the series of mobilizations carried out by the
members and the actions of the MMC strengthened the cooperation and unity
of the local people.  There were concerted efforts among the residents in
thwarting the series of cases filed them by the company. This was made
possible with support from the neighbouring barangays and CSO's, e.g.,
LRC-KSK, CESPAC, KASAMA-KA, and Diocese of Surigao City. Presently,
ABAKATAF members continue their vigilance, intent on protecting their
lives, their environment, and their livelihood. Their leaders believe that
there is a need to sustain the actions using effective strategies to
counter the offensives of MMC and other mining companies.



Zitatwe've gathered some information
about their situation and have done some good interviews that needs to be
edited and meanwhile reviewed as means of direct support and solidarity.

we have a list of areas that we would like to visit in the outskirts of
the Philippines and several we had visited already.in most areas, giant
companies based from foreign countries were operating and exploring.at the
moment, we aim to first establish personal contacts to communities and get
first hand information about their situations, so we know how we could
possibly help and support their existing struggles in hand. every areas
have different and unique situations and they need help and support as

in some areas , financial support is highly needed to further
their actions through legal means where some communities responding to court
cases around social and environmental abuses committed by companies.

our infoshop is always need books and zines or videos to circulate that
would spread ideas around autonomy and mutual aid. financial support for
copying and photocopy documents is needed as well.

also, we are thinking about starting up a vegetarian/vegan food space as our
means of economic alternative where profit goes back to cover the rent,
bills and running expenses of the infoshop. we think this is a good idea
aiming for self-sustainability also being independent around donations
coming from other people.

we only need some basic kitchen tools and equipments.

by next month, some folks in our collective will go traveling to
communities and start to intensively work on the film project with a more
general theme covering different mining situations and community struggle
in the archipelago. since we establish several contacts not only in
Anislagan, we'll try to cover other areas we went to.

we don't know yet when the film will be finished, but I'll keep you
updated from time to time whats going on and we are now on the work to
make it happen and hope it would be interesting and successful.

also, there are several notorious mining companies that we'd like to track
down what they're doing, exploitation and destruction they've done in other
places not only in the Philippines so people here will know.if you have
time or could help us collect some information , we could maybe try to
make a zine out of it and distribute it to certain communities we are
working with, people who are directly affected by mining.

determined to give them some trouble.

in the next few days i'll give you more details especially about
anti-mining struggles we are focusing on at the moment and how things

Ich habe den Genossen auf den Philippinen nun ein kleines Päckchen fertiggemacht. Es enthält die DVD "The Coconut Revolution" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Coconut_Revolution

Coconut Revolution (Kanal bei Youtube.)

Die hatte mir Kater seinerzeit gegeben, um sie auf die Philippinen zu schicken.
Ich habe jetzt noch eine einfache digitale Filmkamera hinzugelegt, um ihre Medienarbeit zu unterstützen.


Das Päckchen ist unterwegs. Und gerade kam die Fortsetzung der Infos über die Ausbeutung des Landes durch die Bergbauindustrie.

ZitatThe Matrix of the Philippine Mining Industry

The mining industry is one of the biggest industries in the world to date.
In every part of the world where there are minerals, mining companies such
as Canada, United States, Australia, Asia, Japan and Norway and many parts
of Europe compete to exploit the resources which they can gain profit
from. Consequently, this has lead to the horrendous destruction of the
Earth's biosphere. Life support system such as water forests and wildlife
are destroyed everyday to serve the mining companies profit motive.

In addition, local people's livelihood system are eradicated in the process.
Farmers, fisher folks, and indigenous/tribal people's end up being
harassed, bribed with money and other  tactical incentives, displaced and
inevitably, some people,get killed if they militantly oppose a mining
operation in their region.

Mining is a vital industry of the techno-industrial society. Through
centuries, people from different corners of the globe mined for different
kind of minerals which they can use in daily lives. However, the advent of
neo-liberalism or capitalism has made the industry more powerful and
tyrannical. In just a few hundred years, the mining industry has put
tragedy to various corners of the globe. They have destroyed the planet's
biosphere including wildlife, farmers,fishermen,indigenous people and had
made the last remaining forests, rivers and oceans of the world, which
have existed for millions of years, disappear.


Mining in the Philippines started in pre-colonial period.In a number of
regions in the archipelago, indigenous communities mined for gold, copper
and many other minerals for  different purposes. Natives from all over the
Philippines used gold,pearls, agate and so on, for body ornaments. Gold
was also bartered with merchants all over Asia and Europe in the
pre-Islamic and Islamic period. It is noted that many merchants from Luzon
( Northern Philippines), Brunei and Jolo traveled continually all
throughout Mindanao in search for slaves and gold. However,the first
commercial mine was in Benguet, Central Luzon- the Benguet Mining

Roughly 400 years ago, the Spaniards took advantage of the affluent mineral
resources they can get. In fact, gold was the main reasons why Spain
colonized the Philippines, mainly for their so called Royal Service. They
made a law to inspect the esiting minerals in the archipelago and this law
was called Inspeccion de Minas.

However, it was the Americans who made strategic steps to exploit the
minerals of the Philippines. Implementing a Mining Law in May 1867, they
did a geological survey which validated the Philippines as a mineral-rich
country. They issued Act 468- a law which basically gives the government
the right to reserved mineral lands for its own purposes. They claimed a
number of areas as "reserved areas" for future mining,and thus the
commercialization of the Benguet gold mining.

In the year 1914  in the south, Surigao and other parts of Caraga Region was
declared as an " Iron Reserved" area for future mining. By then, the
mining industry in the Philippines was on its way to boom and the
Commonwealth US government took more hold of it forming a Mining Bureau to
regulate all potential operations in the future.

In 1921, there was no large scale mining but many were making a living
from small scale gold mining.  By 1933 to 1941, gold mining popped up its
cherry. It was the dominant mineral in the industry and was the most

A decade later , under the tyranny of the Japanese, Filipinos were coerced
to mine for metals in many regions of the Philippines, to be used for war
weapons in the Japanese sick conquest to rule the world.

This paved way for a more commercialized, exploited and degenerated
Philippines. In the 1950's copper mining was the most successful, and was
the baby of Mining corporations. Large scale mining followed a few
generations later reaching its peak in the 1960 and 1970's. By the late
80's, world demand for copper decreased because the world seemed to switch
its interest on gold. However, a number of mining companies who mined for
gold in that period closed because of law violations and so gold mining
had a bit of denouement.

Under the WTO, IMF-WB, the neo-colonized Philippines was again coerced to
adjust its economic policies to adhere to neo-liberal policies. By 1994,
pro-development politicians such as Gloria Macapagal Arroyo among the
rest, lobbied a Mining Bill which would later become the Republic Act 7942
or the Philippine Mining Act of 1995.

This law basically puts power over land, resources and life to
Corporations and because of the Regalian doctrine- a law which basically
gives the government the right to own and do whatever they wish in public
lands, many areas became mining hot spots.

By 1996, the Philippine Mining Industry got back on track allowing offshore
companies to operate fully in the reserved areas and so was disaster to a
number of places in the Philippines. In March 1996, the Marcopper tunnel
in Marinduque collapsed. In rough estimation, 1.6 million cubic meters of
mine tailings flowed from the mine pit to the Makulapnit and Boac river
trapping 4,400 people in 20 villages. That incident killed the Boac river
not to mention the massive siltation of downstream communities and coastal
areas. Among the number of tragedies that happened in 1998 are the
Malangas Coal Corporation case in Zamboanga Del Sur,Mindanao were an
explosion occurred in the mine site killing almost a hundred workers and
injuring 35 people and by 2004, another disaster happened in Surigao Del
Norte, Mindanao. That time, it was from one of the largest and
longstanding mining corporations in the Philippines- the Manila Mining
Corporation(MMC). Three disastrous incidents occurred where approximately
five million cubic meters of waste materials containing high levels of
mercury damaging local people's agricultural lands and temporarily
poisoned the adjacent Placer Bay.

Today, hundred of mining applications are pending to prey on the resources
of the Philippines, 20 major large scale mining operations, 10 medium
scale mining operations, and more than 2000 non-metallic small scale
mining operations exists.


Millionen leiden Hunger    

Eine neue Untersuchung der "Sozialen Wetterstationen" hat ergeben, daß 18,4 % oder fast 3,4 Millionen Familien an Hunger leiden. 1200 Erwachsene wurden landesweit befragt. Die Zahl der Menschen, die sich selbst als "arm" bezeichnen, liegt bei fast der Hälfte, 49 %. Und die Zahl der Familien, die nicht nur ab und zu, sondern "oft" oder "immer" zu wenig zu essen haben, liegt bei 588 000 oder 3, 1 %.


Gerade trudelte folgende Mail ein:

Zitathi there,

Our collective wanted to put out a journal in paper form in the hope to be
finish by the end of june according to the availability of time we have in
terms of running other projects such as infoshop and work. along with the
paper, we are making a film documentary about community struggles(farmers
and indigenous people) resistance against mining companies in the
Philippines, inflicting them and environment including other life forms.
contributions through writing an article or any kind of graphical artwork,
photos and images we welcomed addressing to a more global level for
ecological defense and social struggles.we in particular has work in
against notorious mining companies base in other countries such as Canada,
Australian, North America and European, Asian but devastate many lives
here though the set standards of neo-liberalism and capitalist advancement
or progress.

This in solidarity with other people struggles wherever they come from-
the fight for autonomy, justice and life.

let us know if you can offer something like contribution to our paper. we
are very happy doing this and is serious about it.

much love and respect,



ZitatProtest gegen Sonderwirtschaftszone    

Aurora, Luzon: Hunderte Bauern und Fischer haben eine Protestkarawane gegen die geplante Aurora Pacific Economic Zone and Free Port (Apeco) zur Hälfte durchgeführt. In dieser Zone sollen Fischindustrie, Hafen, Flugplatz, Wohnungen, eine "Grüne Zone" (mit Windparks) und anderes entstehen. Ein erstes Gesetz dazu wurde im letzten Jahr verabschiedet; in diesem Gesetz sollte die Zone 500 ha umfassen. Auf Betreiben der Oligarchenfamilie Angara wurde kurz darauf ein neues Gesetz verabschiedet, das das Gelände auf 13 000 ha erweitert. In diesem Gebiet gibt es viele Dörfer mit "Indigenen", Bauern und Fischer.
Quelle: Inquirer News, 9.4.11
Arbeitsscheu und chronisch schlecht gelaunt!


Im ganzen Land gab es anläßlich der jährlichen Regierungserklärung Demos gegen die Regierung. In Manila kam es zu heftigen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen 5000 Demonstranten und 6000 Bullen. Mindestens 95 Leute wurden verletzt; ein Polizeifahrzeug wurde beschädigt. Die Demos in anderen Städten blieben weitgehend friedlich. In Iloilo, Capiz, Aklan nahmen je 3000 teil, in Bacolod City etwa 500.

Quelle: Inquirer Net, 24.7.12
Arbeitsscheu und chronisch schlecht gelaunt!



Ich bekam von unserem philppinischen Kontakt folgende Mail:



Eco-Camp is an activity organized by Mobile Anarchist School with the help
by Local Autonomous Network (LAN) both active in the Philippines.  Last
April 2012 was the first camping held in Tanay Rizal, Philippines. It was
attended by various collectives and individuals totaling around 40 people
who participated the various activities and discussions in the camp. The
objective of the eco-camp was to discuss the different issues confronting
our current society and to find solidarity actions that can help expose
and popularize our issues.

After series of activities in 2012, the LAN decided to expand its
activities on ecological issues due to concrete manifestation of the
crisis impacting the archipelago.

The second eco-camp gathering was organized by LAN and the Mobile
Anarchist School in March 2013 to heighten our education campaign and to
strengthen the relationship with other affinity groups and build an
international network better able to work towards intensifying our impact
by making solidarity actions globally.

We invited anarchist from Indonesia, Germany, Greece, Japan, and U.S.A. to
join us in the Philippines for  six-day activities to share our
experiences, ideas, and discuss the possibility of organizing future
actions on these important issues detailed here.

The first event was the Black and Green Forum which provides education and
popularization campaign of LAN, and its objectives to provide analysis on
ecological issues based on the perspective of a non-hierarchical and
anti-authoritarian framework and to share alternatives which already being
done by anarchist and autonomous activists in the local and international
The Black and Green Forum was carried out in collaboration with Third
World Studies Center- University of the Philippines (TWSC – UP) and
entitled "Anarchism: Ecological Crises, Climate Change and Direct Action".

In recognition that Food not Bombs is one of among effective methods of
anti-authoritarian actions an activity was organized after the Black and
Green Forum to spread information with regards to history, experience and
insights of the Food Not Bombs global movement.

After the two events in Quezon City, activists witnessed the industrial
wastewater discharge into creeks and tributaries of Laguna Lake. The next
day, activists once again meet for four days at the Second Solidarity
Eco-camp in Tanay, Rizal. These activities culminated to adoption of this
common statement where the specific context of most localities detailed
below was critically discussed.

Mining surfaced as one of the major issues being addressed by the network
in their respective localities due to its various social and environmental
impacts.  But generally, autonomous and anarchist activists are responding
to multiple and interconnected social and ecological issues.


The massive destruction of the ecology of the archipelago is directly
attributed to investments of corporations who are up to extract natural
resources to gain more profit.

The marginalized communities in the global south such as the majority of
urban and rural poor communities in the Philippines constantly experience
the negative impacts of environmental destructions; the changing weather
pattern already claimed 300,000 of lives on the annual basis, it destroyed
billions of assets and it caused massive losses in various sectors such
agriculture. Floods and landslide have become common and the government
has shown that it will not provide concrete and long term solutions.

Despite of very destructive and hazardous impact of mining, the government
allowed it to operate and even give more incentives to corporations, the
corrupt government is assisting the destructive enterprise of these
profit-hungry institutions through legislations and coercive processes.

Mining corporations in the Philippines such as Sagittarius Mines/Xtrata,
Philex and among others should be held liable to the destruction of the
environment, murdering people and displacing communities. The said
corporations and the likes should be kick-out of the archipelago and made
them pay for the damages and violence they incurred.

In general, lakes, rivers, bays, forests (upland and mangroves) and other
ecosystems are being used and exploited in favor of the capitalists to the
demise of marginalized communities. We encourage people and community to
directly take action in defending and reclaiming their lives by protecting
their own habitat.


Like any government in the world, the Philippine Republic is guilty of
executing people both political and innocents.  The Philippine government
is harboring criminals that terrorize and rob people. The Philippine
National police (PNP) and the military (Armed Forces of the Philippines)
are supposed to protect the people; but we are all aware that these
institutions violate people's dignity and life and getting away with it.

Email: aschool@riseup.net


The history of Indonesia is a history of agrarian conflict which has
endured since colonial times, and continues to the present day. Conflicts
which remain unresolved or which are even deliberately cultivated to
reinforce structures that benefit political and business elites. And then,
as part of these conflicts, acts of violence emerge, by state security
forces against the people, legitimized in the name of the law. When
peasants and those defending the people's rights are prosecuted,
terrorized, intimidated, arrested or shot, it is a clear example that the
state prefers to solve its problems with violence.

Meanwhile, the people who are standing in the way of capital's expansion
are themselves labeled as violent, under the pretext that state security
forces are merely maintaining security and stability (for capital).
Another source of violence comes from those elements of society whose
discourse supports that of the state and corporations, with their slogans
about resistance, saying that resistance should be non-violent, meaning
that the people do nothing in the face of the state's treachery. The
actions which the people take in defending or reclaiming what is
rightfully theirs is not violence. It is their struggle, just as in the
colonial era people took up arms to fight for independence.

The Forum for Communication between Agrarian Communities (FKMA) was
conceived, formulated and formed by peasant farmers and other communities
that have been victims of the collusion between the state and corporations
to seize agrarian resources (living space).

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident is the second largest
nuclear disaster after Chernobyl. Approximately 30,000 people died of its
accident, and currently, around 150,000 people still live in evacuation
under government order or by their own choice and certain number of those
people cannot go back to their home town forever because of high level of
radioactive contamination.

Although it was triggered by a large earthquake and tsunami, this accident
was definitely a human disaster. It means that an electric company and the
national government are responsible due to a series of underestimations
sustained by a "myth of safety", such as that of the height of a possible
tsunami, the possibility of a "station blackout," and duration of power
failures. In addition, confusing and misleading information, and also a
deliberate concealment of information occurred.

In the background of this, there is the "Atomic Village" or "Atomic
Circle," a very closed relationship among politicians, government offices,
academics, industrial leaders, and the media. Japan, has had no true
independent regulator of nuclear issues. This disaster revealed out that
Japan is the society simply determined by the economic growth led by the
state policy.
In response to all these incidents, unprecedented enormous protests
against nuclear society have been happening in Japan to get our destiny
back to our own hands. The struggles are work in progress.

[Further information regarding the protests]
Genpatsu Yamero Demo: http://911shinjuku.tumblr.com/
Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes: http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/

The German state as one of the powerful leaders in Europe and also in the
world has to defend its capitalist interests by any means necessary. In
the ongoing economical crisis in Europe, Germany is on the one side mainly
responsible for the tragic situation in countries like Greece, Spain or
Portugal where poverty and social exclusion is growing every day. On the
other side the state and some of the big corporations make profit from
this economical situation.

But concerning to one of the main topics (mining) at the Eco Camp, the
German business is actively participating in the overexploitation of
natural resources around the world and of course also in the Philippines.
Since over 10 years the "Commerzbank "gave credits to the mining company
Lepanto to support gold digging in the Cordillera region.

This area and their people are strongly affected through the environmental
pollution. In the Tampakan area in Mindanao a Gold and Copper project was
developed by the big Swiss mining company " Xstrata", one of the
shareholders is the ,,Deutsche Bank". This bank also gave loans to "Atlas
Consolidated" to finance their copper mine in Toledo City, Cebu. But also
other big companies, like for example "DHL" try to make substantial
profits out of this dirty economical practice. They provide everything
what is needed to take care of the mining sector needs. These short
examples show how German companies are involved in international mining.

Some additional short notices should highlight that Germany tries to
consolidate their leading position as good as possible. Germany and their
military forces intervene in different international conflicts, for
example in Afghanistan, Syria or since some weeks in Mali.

Furthermore Germany takes part in developing new strategies of modern
warfare to control social uprisings. In the middle of the country is the
most advanced training center in Europe for practicing war and
counterinsurgency. But beside this practice of prevention they do
everything to fight possible enemies. Surveillance, repression and police
brutality are only some ways to secure their power.

The struggle against capitalism is global. For international solidarity.
Let's light up the fire of revolt. For social revolution!

The U.S. is in the last days of empire and is forcing a crisis on the
population. The 2010 census shows that one in two Americans are struggling
to survive. Several million people are homeless and half of all prisoners
on Earth are locked up in U.S. jails. While the two political parties
pretend to argue over policy they really share the same goals of
supporting transnational corporate power.

Since Americans are in a period of what may be the final transfer of
capital from the taxpayers to the elite the authorities are taking every
measure to protect their interests from civil unrest. Federal and Sate
governments are implementing policies to aid in a rapid increase in
mining, oil  extraction, timber harvesting and many other ecologically
damaging activities which are also inspiring resistance.  New legal
policies give the president the power to kill or detain anyone including
Americans without trial. For the first time since the civil war the
military is empowered to wage war against the American people. Local
police have been militarized with new equipment, training and powers.

The current economic crisis has inspired a new wave of anti-homeless laws
and other forms of criminalization of the poor. The technology for
surveillance is so sophisticated the authorities are able to monitor
nearly all electronic communications and monitor nearly every movement of
anyone conceders a threat.

Protests in the U.S. against the policies of the state and corporations
have been frequent but Occupy Wall Street surprised both the activist
community and the security forces. Many people who had never considered
participating in a protest where moved to join because of their personal
conditions. Many of the new protesters had voted for Obama believing here
would bring change but he continued the policies that caused them to lose
their jobs and homes. Occupy Wall Street also frightened the elite
inspiring bans or limitations on the sharing of food in public spaces.
This has in some cases caused the local community to support groups like
Food Not Bombs.  In late December 2012 a public interest law firm received
nearly 200 pages of F.B.I. documents showing that the Obama administration
was worried and started to monitor activists months before the occupations
started. These documents show that the F.B.I. organized with private
security to implement a wide range of disruptive tactics including
organizing bombing plots in the name of occupy and a suggestion that the
people considered to be the leaders be killed using suppressed sniper
rifles. Since the disruption of occupy resistance in the United States has
been in disarray. Efforts to regroup have been derailed by covert means
within the movement.

After the evictions and disruption of the occupy movement many activists
refocused their attention to stopping the XL Keystone Pipeline, the rapid
increase in coal mining and the associated rail lines and super ports.
There is also an increase in protests and direct actions against the rapid
increase in hydraulic fracturing or fracking though no wide spread
campaign of sabotage by the public has occurred yet.  Fracking is a
process of pumping toxic chemicals into the earth to force carbon to the
surface. The contamination to fresh water and the surrounding ecosystem is
already driving many into poverty as their land and homes have become
worthless. This crisis is likely to grow dire when the tens of thousands
of wells already in operation run dry during the decade and the small
amount of profit shared with local land owners also evaporates.

It is very important that the Anarchists and other opponents of corporate
and government domination start to work together and consider new
strategies of resistance while at the same time organizing systems of
mutual aid as the economy continues to collapse and the repression

Millions more will become homeless and hunger is sure to increase in the
United States. The new police state policies like the deployment of the
military in local communities, advanced methods of surveillance and the
promised use of over 30,000 drones patrolling American skies will make
resistance challenging.  Reaching the public with counter information and
working with them to implement some effective strategies of resistance
while building an alternative to the failing system will require
reflection and critical thinking in the anarchist community.

Recent events like Katrina and Sandy, the occupations, increase in
projects like community gardening show that the best hope for Americans
can be found in the ideas of the anarchist community.


Soil, water and air are priceless, and belong to all of us. Gold, on the
other hand, is an abstract concept that, especially today, acquires value
when it functions as 'money', when it is used as an effort to
counterbalance the 'over-the-top money', money invented out of thin air,
that came into being three decades ago through bank lending and the stoke
exchanges' system of speculation and gambling. We have to point out the
fact that only the 10% of the world's extracted gold deposits is actually
put in some tangible use. At the same time, the quantity of gold that is
being used as 'money' in stoke exchanges and in the international monetary
system is seven times more than the real quantity of gold which can be
found in the planet.

'Development and progress' is the echo following the announcements
concerning the goldmines, as well as the wind turbines on Lesvos and
Limnos islands, and elsewhere, the waste incineration factories; all these
plus innumerable other such crimes are presented as the antidote to the
crisis, the same crisis that the development itself created. The case of
the goldmines is the most extreme one, out of all these 'developing crimes
in the name of progress', due to the fact that no one even dares to oppose
the destruction that they are about to cause, but also because—as we all
know by now—the multinationals will draw all the profit, apart from a
short-term small portion that will go to a few hundred workers.
Furthermore, it is not coincidental that this scandalous transaction scam
of the northern-eastern Halkidiki mines took place during a period of
affluence, at a time when no one paid any attention, while the realization
of the mega-project, the actual construction of the mines, is pushed
forward now, amidst the crisis. Here, we are faced with blunt blackmail:
we have to either accept such a plainly and straightforward destructive
proposition, or else we will not manage to survive.

The whole problem with the capitalistic growth is not simply that there
are some businesspeople and politicians who are squeezing exorbitant
profits out of everybody else, and in order to do so—always in the name of
the profit—they will destroy the environment, but the plain fact that our
lives are being governed by an international money mafia that kills
humans, animals and the Earth. The true face of progress is one of a
vicious circle that will constantly dictate even harsher terms in order to
exploit more each time. Development manages to achieve this through the
breaking up of communities and the weakening of individuals, bonding them
tighter and tighter to the chariot of this mechanism of death and
destruction called capitalism. Consequently, this ongoing collapse gives
birth to certain types of people who fall prey to the blackmail—because
they are so desperately looking for single-handed solutions that seem to
be in their own self-interest—and eventually believe that their interests
are the same ones with those of multinational corporations. They do not
care about the impact that their choices have on the whole of society, the
consequences of which will soon knock also on their door.

The system wishes to incapacitate us so that we are in no position to
decide for ourselves. Its whole existence depends on whether we choose to
bind ourselves to the dynamic engine of capitalism, in order to survive or
even enjoy a share of the profits of the capitalistic growth. If we want
to stand against this dictatorship of money, if we want to build another
world, we cannot succumb to this blackmail of crisis that is offering
further disasters and is driving us towards the desperate pursuit of a
personal bailout while threatening entire communities with mass
destruction. We can neither hand over our future to any sort of saviors.
On the contrary, we must fight to defend common goods and resources. We
must fight to put an end to the activities of these mega-companies and of
all the politicians who are in their payroll. We must struggle to prevent
the destruction of people's communities.

Social solidarity, collective consciousness and human values are our

We must meet and discuss:
Which goods are necessary?
Which are the values that we should fight for?
How do we take decisions? How can we, ourselves, organize and take charge
of our lives?

Whoever is silent is an accomplice to the crime...



Ich halte bereits über ein Jahrzehnt einen sehr lockeren Kontakt zu einer linken Aktivistengruppe auf den Philippinen.

Nun bat sie mich, folgende Info zu einer Crowdfundingkampagne zu verbreiten.

ZitatUnterstützung für Kleintransporter für Landprojekt

Wir sind Feral Crust, ein kleines autonomes DIY-Kollektiv mit Sitz in Davao, Philippinen.

Wir haben ein kleines Landprojekt in der Wildnis von Marilog, Davao. Wir bemühen uns, Ideen und Praktiken im Zusammenhang mit Permakultur, Wiederbegrünung und Naturwiederherstellung/-erhaltung umzusetzen.

Für jetzt, wie die Dinge innerhalb unserer aktuellen Website Fortschritte - und mit laufenden Haus # 2 Bau (für den Besuch von Freiwilligen, Freunden und lokalen Community) und andere Dinge, fühlen wir die Notwendigkeit, ein Minicab / kleinen LKW nützlich, um Dinge zu bewegen, um Orte in den Wäldern und zwischen der Stadt und Land (Land-Projekt).

Unser Landprojekt ist eineinhalb Stunden mit dem Auto von der Stadt entfernt.

Im Hinblick auf diese Angelegenheit suchen wir einen Kleintransporter, um notwendige Materialien und Gegenstände zu transportieren, die für das Landprojekt und die Entwicklung bestimmt sind (zunächst für den Transport von Baumstämmen, Bambus, Gartenbau-Utensilien usw.) und für andere Transportbedürfnisse im Zusammenhang mit aktuellen Projekten und Aktivitäten, die wir verfolgen und fortsetzen wollen - wie z.B. das Betreiben eines lokalen Gemeinde-/Sozialzentrums, das Kochen von Mahlzeiten/kostenlose Essensverteilung an Menschen und für die Rettung von Tieren.   

In naher Zukunft, wenn alles eingerichtet ist, wie z.B. eine komplette Unterkunft und andere grundlegende Annehmlichkeiten, freuen wir uns darauf, Freunde und Leute in unser kleines Lager in der Wildnis einzuladen, zu beherbergen und willkommen zu heißen.

In der Natur gibt es viel zu lernen - vom Holzsammeln, dem Bestimmen von Pflanzen, der Orientierung, dem Jagen und Sammeln von Nahrung, der Wasserbeschaffung und anderen wichtigen, lebensspendenden Fähigkeiten und Weisheiten der Vorfahren. Außerdem gibt es viele Pflanzen- und Tierarten, die Lebensräume schaffen und das Land und seine ökologischen Kreisläufe pflegen. Sie waren unsere großen Lehrer. NATUR!

In der Zeit der Pandemie ist die Rückverbindung mit der Natur lebenswichtig, um sich um Körper und Geist zu kümmern und sich von dem Elend, der Isolation und der Entfremdung zu befreien, die dem Rest der Menschheit einen Tribut abverlangen.

Wie immer, wenn die Zivilisation versagt, ist das eine Katastrophe, und sie betrifft uns alle, einschließlich allen Lebens auf der Erde.

Wenn Du uns mit einer Spende unterstützen kannst oder auch Deine Freunde einladen könntest, uns mit unserer Crowd-Funding-Kampagne zu unterstützen, sind wir sehr dankbar.

Wir hoffen auf eure Unterstützung und auf viele andere großzügige Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, die uns bei der Beschaffung des Kleinlasters für unser Landprojekt helfen können. 

Mit Liebe und Dankbarkeit

und besten Grüßen,

Feral Crust Kollektiv

Zur Crowdfundingkampagne: https://www.airfunding.net/project/194646

Anmerkung von mir: Für uns mag diese Mischung vielleicht verwundern. Diese Aktivisten sind auch in subkulturellen Zusammenhängen dabei, wie Punkrock- und Hardcore-Konzerten. Dann sind sie aktiv in antimilitaristischen und sozialen Projekten ("Food not Bombs"). Sie haben seit langem eine enge Anbindung zur Landbevölkerung und dort auch zur indigenen Community. Ein besonderes Anliegen sind ihnen okölogischer Gartenbau/Landwirtschaft, Selbstversorgung und Selbstverwaltung.


Seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt gibt es den Kontakt zu einer linksautonomen Aktivistengruppe auf den Philippinen.

Es ist ein alternativ-ökologisches und auch etwas punkiges Projekt.

Heute bekam ich diese Mail:

ZitatIch frage mich, ob ihr vielleicht in der Lage sind, unser Landprojekt zu unterstützen. Hier draußen ist jetzt Pflanzsaison. Ich habe etwas Hilfe von 2 befreundeten einheimischen Bauern (ein ein Paar) bei der Anpflanzung einiger Pflanzen, beim Jäten und anderen Dingen. Wir pflanzten Chayote, viel Chili, Paprika, Wurzelgemüse (Ingwer, Taro, Süßkartoffel), usw. Es wird eine halbintensive Anpflanzung werden mit einem örtlichen Landwirt, der mir dabei hilft. Dürfte ich dich fragen, ob ihr mit einer finanziellen Spende aushelfen können, damit ich meinen örtlichen Kollegen (meine einheimischen Freunde) für die Dauer von zwei Wochen einen Tageslohn zahlen kann? 400 Pesos pro Tag ist der Mindestlohn pro Person. Ich kann auch eine Menge von ihnen lernen, denn mein lokaler indigener Berater (im Landprojekt) kann das und es ist eine Zusammenarbeit in Freundschaft. Wenn ihr unser Projekt in diesen Zeiten unterstützen könnt, wäre ich euch sehr dankbar.

Es ist schon lange her, daß wir Kontakt hatten. Laß mich wissen, wenn es Neuigkeiten von euch gibt.

Wenn ihr uns eine Spende zukommen lassen könntet, sendet es bitte an unser Paypal-Konto:

Viel Liebe und Solidarität,
Mhel für Feral Crust



400 philippinische Pesos Mindestlohn pro Person sind 6,80 Euro pro Tag. Wenn wer 3,40 Euro per Paypal zahlt, ist ein halber Tag gesichert. Etwa ein Euro Gebühren behält Paypal für sich davon. Wer eine Zahlung per Freunde und Familie über Paypal ausführt, zahlt die Gebühren selbst.

Ich habe eine Woche für eine Person Mindestlohn gespendet und den Betreff chefduzen angegeben.


Der Admin hat seit Jahren einen lockeren Austausch mit dem Projekt.
Auf eher privatem Level haben wir gelegentlich über politische, aber auch kulturelle Dinge gesprochen. Ich hatte mal von einem Besuch auf den Philppinen geträumt, doch daraus ist nie etwas geworden.

Es handelt sich um aufrechte Menschen und ein sympatisches ökologisches, soziales und politisches Projekt. Mit der langjärigen Arbeit daran, haben sie bewiesen, daß es keine Eintagsfliege ist.


Es ging noch mal ein Wochenlohn in Höhe von 2800 philippinischen Pesos raus.
Nur Exhibitionisten haben nichts zu verbergen.


Ich habe ein Feedback von den Philippinen. Es gab ein herzliches Dankeschön und Interesse an dem, was wir hier machen. Demnächst sollen ein paar Bilder kommen. Sie wollen von ihrer Arbeit berichten.


Ich habe nochmal nachgehakt, ob es etwas zu sehen gibt, von dem, was mit den Spenden passiert ist.

Es füllte sich gerade mein Mailordner mit Fotos von ihrem Projekt.

Vorab aber ein paar Worte über das Projekt und die Ideen dahinter:

Wir sind ein öko-anarchistisches Kollektiv mit Sitz in Davao, Philippinen. Unser Ziel ist es, ein kleines, autonomes Gemeinschaftslandprojekt zu schaffen. Es befindet sich auf einem hügeligen Gelände inmitten der verbliebenen Wälder, in denen wilde Tiere und sowohl indigene als auch nicht-indigene Bewohner leben.
Wir arbeiten darauf hin, eine autonome Versorgungszone und ein Lebensexperiment einzurichten, das auf den Prinzipien der gegenseitigen Hilfe, der Zusammenarbeit und der Ökologie beruht. Wir hoffen, dass es ein Ort wird, an dem interessierte Menschen in direkter Kommunikation von Angesicht zu Angesicht, in der Pflege von Beziehungen, in der Herstellung von Verbundenheit und Solidarität - an der Seite von Landbewohnern (lokalen Bauern und indigenen Völkern) - arbeiten können.
Wir streben nach Selbstversorgung, also nach Freiheit und Autonomie. Wir finden Wege, um die Fähigkeiten und das Wissen, die für die Selbstversorgung unerlässlich waren, neu zu erlernen und anzuwenden (z. B. traditionelle Fertigkeiten, die die Menschen über viele Generationen hinweg in einer wechselseitigen Beziehung zu ihrem Grund und Boden erhalten haben). Auf der anderen Seite ist die praktische Nutzung moderner Methoden (materielle Ressourcen und Anwendung), die im gegenwärtigen Kontext zugänglich sind (z. B. Spülen, Recycling, Wiederverwendung), ein ebenso wichtiger Aspekt. Darüber hinaus sind wir wirklich inspiriert von den Einheimischen und den Gartenbauern, die immer noch vom Land abhängig sind, die ihre ökologische Integrität und ihre ganzheitlichen/spirituellen Werte sowie ihr ethisches Verständnis und ihre Rücksichtnahme auf die Nutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen in ihrer Umgebung aufrechterhalten können. Dieses Wissen und diese Weisheit sind es wert, im Hinblick auf eine größere Unabhängigkeit und Selbstbestimmung auf natürliche und ethische Weise berücksichtigt zu werden.
Wir glauben, dass es wichtig ist, eine gesunde Beziehung zu unserer Umwelt/der lokalen Bioregion wiederherzustellen und die Verbindung zwischen uns und dem Land zu entdecken. Alles im Ökosystem ist voneinander abhängig und wir sind ein Teil davon. Wir tragen dieser Verbindung in vollem Umfang Rechnung, indem wir uns an der Natur beteiligen und mit ihr zusammenarbeiten. Ebenso erkennen wir die Bedeutung der Verteidigung und des Schutzes der verbleibenden wilden Gebiete und der Wiederherstellung geschädigter Ökosysteme an.
Wir fördern egalitäre Beziehungen und kulturelle Werte wie gegenseitige Hilfe, Respekt und Solidarität. Dazu gehören der Aufbau von Vertrauen und verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen sowie der freie Umgang mit den unmittelbaren Bewohnern des Ortes wie Nachbarn, Freunden, Netzwerken und Verbündeten, wobei jede Identität, Nationalität, sexuelle Orientierung, jedes Alter und jede körperliche und geistige Fähigkeit in hohem Maße respektiert wird.
Wir legen großen Wert darauf, die Menschen auf einer persönlichen Basis zu erreichen und auf diese Weise Affinität zu finden - was die praktischen Beziehungen des täglichen Lebens bereichert und jegliche ideologischen Abstraktionen untergräbt.

Schaffung eines stabilen Ökosystems durch Permakultur und Regeneration von Wildtieren/Natur

Erlernen und Ausüben von naturbezogenen Fähigkeiten und Subsistenzleben
Betreiben eines offenen Raums für Unterricht, Erfahrungsaustausch und Veranstaltungen für die Gemeinschaft

Zusammenarbeit mit der lokalen Bevölkerung (Landwirte und indigene Völker), um kulturellen Austausch und Solidarität zu entwickeln.

E-Mail: feralcrust@riseup.net
Internationale Rufnummer: +639161903479
FB-Seite: https://www.facebook.com/feralcrustinfoshop

Und nun die Bilder:



ZitatKLARES SIGNAL AUS BRÜSSEL - Menschenrechte in den Philippinen

Das Internationale Volkstribunal (International People's Tribunal – kurz: IPT) hat am 18. Mai Präsident Ferdinand Marcos Jr., Ex-Präsident Rodrigo R. Duterte, die Regierung der Republik der Philippinen und die US-Regierung unter Präsident Joseph R. Biden wegen Kriegsverbrechen gegen das philippinische Volk und Verstöße gegen das humanitäre Völkerrecht für schuldig befunden.

Quelle: https://www.rf-news.de/2024/kw24/menschenrechte-in-den-philippinen
Alles ist in Bewegung. Nichts war schon immer da und nichts wird immer so bleiben!

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